Park Vending was started in 1946 when Robert E. Mayo returned from World War II where he was a Sea Bee. His father owned a business called Mayo's which was a bar and dance hall where big bands would play. He decided to generate more income for the bar by installing a juke box, which turned out to be a major hit. Soon other bars in the area started asking him for juke boxes for their establishments. As time went on he added pin ball machines and shuffle alleys to his route. He then added cigarette machines which was also a tremendous success.


In the 1970's he placed the first video game, Pong, which opened up a whole new market. By the 1980's video games like Space Invaders, Asteroids and Ms. Pac Man became very popular and helped perpetuate the business.


His son soon joined his company full-time, when he completed high school, and still runs the company to this day. Paul began delivering, repairing and building video games, installing and maintaining juke box systems. In 1996, the legalization of the Broadway Poker game, Newer CD Jukeboxes and newer games like Golden Tee Golf helped take Park Vending to the next level.


Today Park Vending remains a family business serving many of the bars, clubs and restaurants in the New York Tri-State area. It is within the company's mission to always deliver top products and services to their clients.